100+ Opposite words in English | 100+ Antonyms in English


Opposite words :-

Opposite words, otherwise called antonyms, are words that have inverse implications. For instance, something contrary to "enormous" is "little" and something contrary to "cheerful" is "miserable". Inverse words can be utilized to mix it up and intrigue to your composition. They can likewise be utilized to make a feeling of difference or accentuation. There are a wide range of kinds of inverse words. A few inverse words are direct inverses, while others are more unpretentious. For instance, the words "hot" and "cold" are direct inverses, while the words "enormous" and "little" are more unobtrusive alternate extremes. Opposite words can be utilized in different ways. They can be utilized to make a feeling of difference, to change up your composition, or to make a feeling of accentuation. For instance, you could involve inverse words to depict two distinct characters in a story. You could likewise use inverse words to make a feeling of tension or energy.

poor x rich
up x down
after x before
full x empty
high x low
tall x short
true x false
good x bad
happy x sad
kind x cruel
on x off
young x old
hot x cold
day x nightlight
open x close
top x bottom
lucky x unlucky
many x few
friend x enemy
complete x incomplete
black x white
like x dislike
correct x incorrect
first x last
clean x dirty
Smooth x rough
question x answer
big x small
fast x slow
left x right
beautiful x ugly
after x before
full x empty
high x low
tall x short
true x false
good x bad
happy x sad
kind x cruel
on x off
young x old
hot x cold
day x nightlight
open x close
top x bottom
lucky x unlucky
many x few
friend x enemy
complete x incomplete
black x white
like x dislike
correct x incorrect
first x last
clean x dirty
Smooth x rough
question x answer
big x small
fast x slow
left x right
beautiful x ugly
ancient x modern
possible x impossible
yes x no
come x go
back x front
more x less
agree x disagree
obey x disobey
inside x outside
different x same
present x absent
opposite x similar
strong x weak
right x wrong
easy x difficult
take x give
win x lose
buy x sell
profit x loss
new x old
enter x exit
start x end
countable x uncountable
healthy x unhealthy
now x then
never x always
late x early
huge x small
tiny x large
cheap x expensive
useful x useless
death x birth
safe x dangerous
above x below
health x disease
brave x fearful
alive x dead natural x artificial here x there bitter x sweet active x lazy near x far thin x thick under x over forget x remember public x private vertical x horizontal hard x soft bold x timid broad x narrow best x wrost odd x even funny x serious lite x heavy hate x love hopeful x hopeless man x woman


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